Tuesday, June 20, 2006


The blogger's clichéd lament: sorry for the delay in posting.

My big excuses this month are that I have been looking for a new place to stay which I find no where near draining as actually trying to move, that my ability to sleep regularly has waned from the month prior, and that my credit card was taken — most likely picked up in a grocery store parking lot, and was used to buy $200 dollars of something at a gas station (presumably gas) and at other locations — which in turn hindered my ability to enjoy some of my culture's traditional activities, like buying two hotdogs at a baseball game.

I've been delayed for technical reasons, too, since, even though I have two computers, each has a failing hard drive. On one computer, either my insistence on keeping the failing hard drive plugged in so I can seek out salvageable data or the fact that I just added in the new one without upgrading the power supply has prevented me from installing any operating system without the computer rebooting unexpectedly partway through the install, except for a specific version of Windows for which I have lost the registration key. On the other, it's an out-of-warranty laptop with room only for the one drive, which I scavenged because the only thing wrong with it was a corroded IO chip that to get to you have to take the laptop apart as much as humanly possible without destroying it, but once that's done fixing the corrosion is easy except for trying not to lose all the little screws when putting it back together. I still have most of the screws, though I lost my optometry-sized screwdriver, so I can't go back and reconnect the wire that powers the LCD display backlight that the drop from the edge of the sink to the floor must have dislodged during along with causing the aforementioned hard drive failure. But at least the laptop still boots and lets be bring up a web browser, which is good because the only working wireless card I have left is a PCMCIA card that won't fit in the other computer (though of the USB adapters, both of which are bent because I inadvertently rolled on top of them after I fell asleep while listening to podcasts, I think one really only needs a touch-up of solder on a bent connector to be working again, and it's at the bottom of my laundry hamper so I wouldn't forget it and put heavy things on top of it, damaging it irreparably).

And before I forget, there was the whole incident with going to court to argue about a speeding ticket (I still don't think I was going that fast), which didn't work out well; not to mention that I can't find my driver's license, though I think it's one of the boxes where I've packed my books (though to be honest, I've only packed one box and am way behind schedule for moving this weekend) but then, I thought that about my credit card, too.

Oh, and even though it's my own damn fault for working a 14-hour day, I got sick after doing so and haven't been able to shake it off for the past few days.

And believe it or not, I didn’t think I had anything worth blogging about.

I have no talent at living simply, much less writing simply. I think that’s enough for now. I’ll come up with more later, but first I’ll finish my post on differences between Fight Club and kill puppies for satan.

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