Monday, January 05, 2004

Cultivated the lost art of study/and I brought a buddy

I had a dream "The Automator" was teaching me to play go. Probably because Frank and I were talking about them, the dream also included DEAR and high school friend Jen teaching language classes.

Ms. N and I were talking a few days ago, both of us practicing speaking Spanish, and I was trying to explain that I was tired and had odd dreams the night before. And I was trying to explain the dream in Spanish, and I could think of and צור, but I couldn't think of the Spanish word for "stone" to save my life. This kind of linguistic confusion happens to me regularly.

It's "piedra", by the way.

צורי ולא עוולתה בו
‮(תהלים צא׃טו‮)‬ Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.
(Psalms 91:15)

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